( function( $ ) { "use strict"; /** * Global Vars */ var windowWidth = window.innerWidth, windowHeight = window.innerHeight, adminBarHeight = $( '#wpadminbar' ).innerHeight(), headerHeight = $( '.site-header' ).innerHeight(), navBarHeight = $( '.navbar-primary' ).innerHeight(); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) { if ( window.innerWidth > 782 ) { adminBarHeight = 32; } else { adminBarHeight = 46; } } $( document ).ready( function() { headerHeight = $( '.site-header' ).innerHeight(); navBarHeight = $( '.navbar-primary' ).innerHeight(); } ); $( window ).resize( function() { windowWidth = window.innerWidth; windowHeight = window.innerHeight; adminBarHeight = $( '#wpadminbar' ).innerHeight(); headerHeight = $( '.site-header' ).innerHeight(); navBarHeight = $( '.navbar-primary' ).innerHeight(); } ); var isIE = /MSIE|Trident/i.test( navigator.userAgent ); var isRetina = false; if ( window.matchMedia ) { var mq = window.matchMedia( "only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.6/2), only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (min-resolution: 1.3dppx)" ); if ( mq && mq.matches || ( window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ) ) { isRetina = true; } } var rtl = false; if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ) { rtl = true; } // Create csco object. var csco = { addAction: function( x, y, z ) { return; } }; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.hooks ) { csco.addAction = wp.hooks.addAction; } /** * Cookies */ function csGetCookie( name ) { let matches = document.cookie.match( new RegExp( "(?:^|; )" + name.replace( /([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1' ) + "=([^;]*)" ) ); return matches ? decodeURIComponent( matches[ 1 ] ) : undefined; } function csSetCookie( name, value, props = {} ) { props = { path: '/' }; if ( props.expires instanceof Date ) { props.expires = props.expires.toUTCString(); } let updatedCookie = encodeURIComponent( name ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ); for ( let optionKey in props ) { updatedCookie += "; " + optionKey; let optionValue = props[ optionKey ]; if ( optionValue !== true ) { updatedCookie += "=" + optionValue; } } document.cookie = updatedCookie; } /** * Google AdSense */ try { $( '.adsbygoogle' ).each( function() { ( adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || [] ).push( {} ); } ); } catch ( ex ) {} /** * Carousel */ function initCarouselLoop() { var CarouselLoop = $( '.cs-block-carousel .slider-loop' ); CarouselLoop.each( function() { var container = this; var owl = $( '.owl-carousel', this ); $( owl ).imagesLoaded( function() { owl.owlCarousel( { dragEndSpeed: 250, smartSpeed: 250, autoHeight: true, dots: true, dotsContainer: $( '> .owl-dots', container ), rtl: rtl, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, margin: 0, }, 760: { items: 2, margin: 40, }, 1020: { items: 3, margin: 30, }, 1120: { items: 3, margin: 40, }, 1240: { items: $( container ).data( 'columns' ), margin: 30, }, 1640: { items: $( container ).data( 'columns' ), margin: 40, }, }, } ); } ); } ); } $( document ).ready( function() { initCarouselLoop(); $( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function() { initCarouselLoop(); } ); csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'posts-init-carousel', function( props ) { if ( 'canvas/posts' === props.block ) { initCarouselLoop(); } } ); } ); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Block Sliders */ var cscoBlockSliders = {}; ( function() { var $this; cscoBlockSliders = { windowWidth: 0, /* * Initialize */ init: function( e ) { $this = cscoBlockSliders; // Init events. $this.events( e ); }, /* * Events */ events: function( e ) { // DOM Load window.addEventListener( 'load', function( e ) { $this.initSliderCenter(); $this.initSliderBoxed(); $this.initSliderWide(); $this.initSliderMultiple(); $this.initSliderLarge(); } ); // Triggers. window.addEventListener( 'post-load', function( e ) { $this.initSliderCenter(); $this.initSliderBoxed(); $this.initSliderWide(); $this.initSliderMultiple(); $this.initSliderLarge(); } ); // Gutenberg. csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'init-slider', function( props ) { if ( 'canvas/posts' === props.block ) { $this.initSliderCenter(); $this.initSliderBoxed(); $this.initSliderWide(); $this.initSliderMultiple(); $this.initSliderLarge(); } } ); // Resize window.addEventListener( 'resize', function( event ) { if ( $( window ).width() === $this.windowWidth ) { return; } $this.windowWidth = $( window ).width(); $this.sliderLargeResized( event ); } ); }, /* * Initialized Hook */ onInitialized: function( event ) { if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'parallax-enabled' ) ) { var $container = $( event.target ); $( $container ).closest( '.cs-block-slider-featured' ).find( 'article' ).each( function() { var $article = $( this ); // Slide media. $article.find( '.slide-parallax:not(.slide-video) .overlay-media' ).each( function() { $( this ).jarallax( { speed: 0.8, elementInViewport: $container, noIos: false, } ); $( this ).attr( 'data-parallax', 'image' ); } ); // Slide Video. $article.find( '.slide-video' ).each( function() { var videoSrc = $( this ).data( 'video' ), videoStartTime = $( this ).data( 'start' ), videoEndTime = $( this ).data( 'end' ), speed = 0.8; if ( !$( this ).hasClass( 'slide-parallax' ) ) { speed = 1; } $( '.overlay-media', this ).jarallax( { speed: speed, videoSrc: videoSrc, videoStartTime: videoStartTime, videoEndTime: videoEndTime, elementInViewport: $container, videoPlayOnlyVisible: true, noIos: false, } ); $( '.overlay-media', this ).attr( 'data-parallax', 'video' ); } ); } ); } // Recalc. $( window ).trigger( 'slider-refresh' ); }, /* * Resize Hook */ onResized: function( event ) { if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'parallax-enabled' ) ) { // Reinit Parallax. $( event.target ).find( '.slide-parallax .overlay-media' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).attr( 'data-parallax' ) ) { $( this ).jarallax( 'clipContainer' ).jarallax( 'coverImage' ).jarallax( 'onScroll' ); } } ); } }, /* * Slider Center */ initSliderCenter: function() { var sliderCenter = $( '.cs-block-slider-center' ); sliderCenter.imagesLoaded( function( instance ) { $( instance.elements ).each( function() { function setArrowWidth( event ) { var carousel = $( event.target ); $( '.owl-arrows > button', carousel.parent() ).css( 'width', ( carousel.innerWidth() - $( '.owl-item.center', carousel ).innerWidth() - carousel.parent().data( 'padding' ) * 2 ) / 2 + 'px' ); } function sliderCenterInitialized( event ) { setArrowWidth( event ); $this.onInitialized( event ); } function sliderCenterResized( event ) { setArrowWidth( event ); $this.onResized( event ); } var container = $( this ); var owl = $( '.owl-carousel', container ); owl.owlCarousel( { autoplayHoverPause: true, dragEndSpeed: 500, smartSpeed: 500, dotsContainer: $( '.owl-dots', container ), navContainer: $( '.owl-arrows', container ), navText: [ '', '' ], autoHeight: true, rtl: rtl, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, loop: false, margin: 0, dots: true, nav: false, }, 1020: { autoplay: $( this ).data( 'autoplay' ), autoplayTimeout: $( this ).data( 'timeout' ), loop: false, margin: 0, items: 1, dots: true, nav: false, }, 1240: { autoplay: $( this ).data( 'autoplay' ), autoplayTimeout: $( this ).data( 'timeout' ), margin: $( this ).data( 'padding' ), center: true, items: 3, loop: true, autoWidth: true, dots: false, nav: true, } }, onInitialized: sliderCenterInitialized, onResized: sliderCenterResized, onRefresh: sliderCenterResized, onChanged: sliderCenterResized, } ); } ); } ); }, /* * Slider Boxed */ initSliderBoxed: function() { var sliderBoxed = $( '.cs-block-slider-boxed' ); sliderBoxed.imagesLoaded( function( instance ) { $( instance.elements ).each( function() { var container = this; var owl = $( '.owl-carousel', this ); owl.owlCarousel( { autoplayHoverPause: true, dragEndSpeed: 500, smartSpeed: 500, items: 1, margin: 0, autoHeight: true, navText: [ '
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} ); } ); }, /* * Slider Multiple */ initSliderMultiple: function() { var sliderMultiple = $( '.cs-block-slider-multiple' ); sliderMultiple.imagesLoaded( function( instance ) { $( instance.elements ).each( function() { var container = this; var owl = $( '.owl-carousel', this ); owl.owlCarousel( { autoplayHoverPause: true, dragEndSpeed: 500, smartSpeed: 500, navContainer: $( '.owl-arrows', container ), navText: [ '', '' ], dots: true, dotsContainer: $( '.owl-dots', container ), autoHeight: true, rtl: rtl, responsive: { 0: { nav: false, loop: false, margin: 0, stagePadding: 0, items: 1, }, 1020: { autoplay: $( this ).data( 'autoplay' ), autoplayTimeout: $( this ).data( 'timeout' ), }, 1120: { autoplay: $( this ).data( 'autoplay' ), autoplayTimeout: $( this ).data( 'timeout' ), margin: $( this ).data( 'padding' ), items: $( this ).data( 'slides-visible' ), nav: true, loop: true, stagePadding: 90, } }, onInitialized: $this.onInitialized, onResized: $this.onResized, onRefresh: $this.onResized, onChanged: $this.onResized, } ); } ); } ); }, /* * Slider Large */ initSliderLarge: function() { var sliderLarge = $( '.cs-block-slider-large' ); sliderLarge.imagesLoaded( function( instance ) { $( instance.elements ).each( function() { var container = this, owl = $( '.owl-carousel', this ), autoHeight = false; if ( $( document.body ).hasClass( 'style-type-classic' ) ) { autoHeight = true; } owl.owlCarousel( { autoplayHoverPause: true, dragEndSpeed: 500, smartSpeed: 500, autoHeight: autoHeight, items: 1, margin: 0, navText: [ ' ', ' ' ], dots: true, dotsContainer: $( '.owl-dots', container ), navContainer: $( '.owl-arrows', container ), rtl: rtl, responsive: { 0: { nav: false, }, 1020: { autoplay: $( this ).data( 'autoplay' ), autoplayTimeout: $( this ).data( 'timeout' ), nav: true, loop: true, } }, onInitialized: $this.sliderLargeInitialized, onTranslated: $this.sliderLargePosition, onResized: $this.sliderLargeResized, onRefresh: $this.sliderLargeResized, onChanged: $this.sliderLargeResized, } ); } ); } ); }, /* * Slider Large Change Position */ sliderLargePosition: function() { var siteContentTop = 0; // Redefine variables. var sectionLarge = $( '.has-slider-large .cnvs-block-section-layout-align-full:first-child' ); var sliderLarge = $( sectionLarge ).find( '.cnvs-block-posts-layout-slider-large:first-child .cs-block-slider-large' ); var sliderLargeOuter = $( '.overlay-outer', sliderLarge ); if ( $( '.site-content' ).length > 0 ) { siteContentTop = $( '.site-content' ).css( 'margin-top' ).replace( 'px', '' ); } // Define heights. var owlSlide = $( '.post-outer', sliderLarge ), contentHeight = $( '.overlay-inner', owlSlide ).innerHeight(), offsetHeight = ( parseInt( adminBarHeight ) || 0 ) + ( parseInt( siteContentTop ) || 0 ) + ( parseInt( headerHeight ) || 0 ), availableHeight = windowHeight - offsetHeight, viewPortHeight = '100vh'; // Offset page header. sliderLarge.css( 'margin-top', -offsetHeight + 'px' ); sliderLargeOuter.css( 'padding-top', offsetHeight + 'px' ); // Set the slider height. if ( availableHeight >= contentHeight ) { sliderLargeOuter.css( 'height', viewPortHeight ); } else { sliderLargeOuter.css( 'height', contentHeight + offsetHeight + 'px' ); } // Return if overlay variant is set to bottom. if ( $( document.body ).hasClass( 'style-align-left' ) ) { return; } // Add extra padding, if possible. if ( availableHeight - offsetHeight >= contentHeight ) { sliderLargeOuter.css( 'padding-bottom', offsetHeight + 'px' ); } else { sliderLargeOuter.css( 'padding-bottom', 0 ); } }, /* * Slider Large Initialized */ sliderLargeInitialized: function( event ) { $this.sliderLargePosition(); $this.onInitialized( event ); }, /* * Slider Large Resized */ sliderLargeResized: function( event ) { $this.sliderLargePosition(); $this.onResized( event ); } }; } )(); // Initialize. cscoBlockSliders.init(); ( function() { var ticking = false; var update = function() { // Sidebar. // -----------------------------------. $( '.content-area .site-main' ).each( function() { var content = $( this ).find( '.entry-content' ); var sidebar = $( this ).find( '.post-sidebar .pk-share-buttons-wrap' ); // Vars offset. var offsetTop = 20; var offsetBottom = -20; // Search elements. var elements = []; elements.push( '> .alignfull' ); elements.push( '> .alignwide' ); var layouts = $( content ).find( elements.join( ',' ) ); if ( 0 === sidebar.length ) { return; } if ( 0 === layouts.length ) { return; } var disabled = false; // Get sidebar values. var sidebarTop = $( sidebar ).offset().top; var sidebarHeight = $( sidebar ).outerHeight( true ); for ( let i = 0; i < $( layouts ).length; ++i ) { if ( 'none' === $( layouts[ i ] ).css( 'transform' ) ) { continue; } // Get layout values. let layoutTop = $( layouts[ i ] ).offset().top; let layoutHeight = $( layouts[ i ] ).outerHeight( true ); // Calc points. let pointTop = layoutTop - offsetTop; let pointBottom = layoutTop + layoutHeight + offsetBottom; // Detect sidebar location. if ( sidebarTop + sidebarHeight >= pointTop && sidebarTop <= pointBottom ) { disabled = true; } } if ( disabled ) { $( sidebar ).css( 'opacity', '0' ); } else { $( sidebar ).css( 'opacity', '1' ); } } ); // Pagination. // -----------------------------------. $( '.content-area .site-main' ).each( function() { var content = $( this ).find( '.entry-content' ); var pagination = $( this ).find( '.posts-pagination article:first-child' ); // Vars offset. var offsetTop = -20; var offsetBottom = -140; // Search elements. var elements = []; elements.push( '> .alignfull' ); var layouts = $( content ).find( elements.join( ',' ) ); if ( 0 === pagination.length ) { return; } if ( 0 === layouts.length ) { return; } var disabled = false; // Get pagination values. var paginationTop = $( pagination ).find( '> a' ).offset().top; var paginationHeight = $( pagination ).find( '> a' ).outerWidth( true ); for ( let i = 0; i < $( layouts ).length; ++i ) { if ( 'none' === $( layouts[ i ] ).css( 'transform' ) ) { continue; } // Get layout values. let layoutTop = $( layouts[ i ] ).offset().top; let layoutHeight = $( layouts[ i ] ).outerHeight( true ); // Calc points. let pointTop = layoutTop - offsetTop; let pointBottom = layoutTop + layoutHeight + offsetBottom; // Detect pagination location. if ( paginationTop + paginationHeight >= pointTop && paginationTop <= pointBottom ) { disabled = true; } } if ( disabled ) { $( pagination ).parent().css( 'opacity', '0' ); $( pagination ).parent().css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } else { $( pagination ).parent().css( 'opacity', '1' ); $( pagination ).parent().css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } } ); // Ticking. ticking = false; }; var requestTick = function() { if ( !ticking ) { window.requestAnimationFrame( update ); ticking = true; } }; var onProcess = function() { requestTick(); }; $( window ).on( 'scroll', onProcess ); $( window ).on( 'resize', onProcess ); $( window ).on( 'image-load', onProcess ); $( window ).on( 'post-load', onProcess ); $( window ).on( 'slider-refresh', onProcess ); } )(); // Init slider for powerkit featured posts. function initFeaturedSlider() { // Widget Post Featured $( '.pk-widget-posts-template-slider, .cnvs-block-posts-sidebar-slider .cnvs-block-posts-sidebar-inner' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'init-slider' ) ) { return; } $( this ).addClass( 'init-slider' ); // Wrap inner of slider-container. $( this ).wrapInner( '' ); // Add owl-carousel class. $( this ).find( '.slider-flip > ul' ).addClass( 'owl-carousel' ); // Add owl dots. $( this ).find( '.slider-flip' ).append( '' ); } ); } $( document ).ready( function() { initFeaturedSlider(); initSliderFlip(); $( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function() { initFeaturedSlider(); initSliderFlip(); } ); csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'initFeaturedSlider', function( props ) { initFeaturedSlider(); initSliderFlip(); } ); } ); /** * AJAX Load More. * * Contains functions for AJAX Load More. */ $( function() { if ( 'undefined' === typeof window.load_more_query ) { window.load_more_query = []; } /** * Get next posts */ function csco_ajax_get_posts( object ) { var container = $( object ).closest( '.post-archive' ); var settings = $( object ).data( 'settings' ); var page = $( object ).data( 'page' ); $( object ).data( 'loading', true ); // Set button text to Load More. $( object ).text( settings.translation.loading ); var data = { action: 'csco_ajax_load_more', page: page, posts_per_page: settings.posts_per_page, query_data: settings.query_data, attributes: settings.attributes, options: settings.options, _ajax_nonce: settings.nonce, }; // Request Url. var csco_pagination_url; if ( 'ajax_restapi' === settings.type ) { csco_pagination_url = settings.rest_url; } else { csco_pagination_url = settings.url; } // Send Request. $.post( csco_pagination_url, data, function( res ) { if ( res.success ) { // Get the posts. var data = $( res.data.content ); // Check if there're any posts. if ( data.length ) { data.imagesLoaded( function() { // Append new posts to list, standard and grid archives. $( container ).find( '.archive-main.archive-list, .archive-main.archive-standard, .archive-main.archive-grid' ).append( data ); // Append new posts to masonry layout. $( container ).find( '.archive-main.archive-masonry' ).colcade( 'append', data ); // WP Post Load trigger. $( document.body ).trigger( 'post-load' ); // Reinit Facebook widgets. if ( $( '#fb-root' ).length && 'object' === typeof FB ) { FB.XFBML.parse(); } // Set button text to Load More. $( object ).text( settings.translation.load_more ); // Increment a page. page = page + 1; $( object ).data( 'page', page ); // Set the loading state. $( object ).data( 'loading', false ); } ); } // Remove Button on Posts End. if ( res.data.posts_end || !data.length ) { // Remove Load More button. $( object ).remove(); } } else { // console.log(res); } } ).fail( function( xhr, textStatus, e ) { // console.log(xhr.responseText); } ); } /** * Initialization Load More */ function csco_load_more_init( infinite ) { $( '.post-archive' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).data( 'init' ) ) { return; } var csco_ajax_settings; if ( typeof csco_ajax_pagination !== 'undefined' ) { csco_ajax_settings = csco_ajax_pagination; } var archive_data = $( this ).data( 'archive-data' ); if ( archive_data ) { csco_ajax_settings = JSON.parse( window.atob( archive_data ) ); } if ( csco_ajax_settings ) { if ( !infinite && csco_ajax_settings.infinite_load ) { return; } // Add load more button. $( this ).find( '.archive-pagination' ).append( ' ' ); // Set load more settings. $( this ).find( '.load-more' ).data( 'settings', csco_ajax_settings ); $( this ).find( '.load-more' ).data( 'page', 2 ); $( this ).find( '.load-more' ).data( 'loading', false ); $( this ).find( '.load-more' ).data( 'scrollHandling', { allow: $.parseJSON( csco_ajax_settings.infinite_load ), delay: 400 } ); } $( this ).data( 'init', true ); } ); } csco_load_more_init( true ); csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'posts-init-loadmore', function( props ) { if ( 'canvas/posts' === props.block ) { csco_load_more_init( false ); } } ); // On Scroll Event. $( window ).scroll( function() { $( '.post-archive .load-more' ).each( function() { var loading = $( this ).data( 'loading' ); var scrollHandling = $( this ).data( 'scrollHandling' ); if ( $( this ).length && !loading && scrollHandling.allow ) { scrollHandling.allow = false; $( this ).data( 'scrollHandling', scrollHandling ); var object = this; setTimeout( function() { var scrollHandling = $( object ).data( 'scrollHandling' ); scrollHandling.allow = true; $( object ).data( 'scrollHandling', scrollHandling ); }, scrollHandling.delay ); var offset = $( this ).offset().top - $( window ).scrollTop(); if ( 4000 > offset ) { csco_ajax_get_posts( this ); } } } ); } ); // On Click Event. $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.load-more', function() { var loading = $( this ).data( 'loading' ); if ( !loading ) { csco_ajax_get_posts( this ); } } ); } ); /** * AJAX Auto Load Next Post. * * Contains functions for AJAX Auto Load Next Post. */ ( function() { /** * Check if Load Nextpost is defined by the wp_localize_script */ if ( typeof csco_ajax_nextpost !== 'undefined' ) { var objNextparent = $( '.site-inner > .site-content' ), objNextsect = '.cs-nextpost-section', objNextpost = null, currentNTitle = document.title, currentNLink = window.location.href, loadingNextpost = false, scrollNextpost = { allow: true, reallow: function() { scrollNextpost.allow = true; }, delay: 400 //(milliseconds) adjust to the highest acceptable value }; // Init. if ( csco_ajax_nextpost.next_post ) { $( objNextparent ).after( '' ); objNextpost = $( '.cs-nextpost-inner' ); } } /** * Get next post */ function csco_ajax_get_nextpost() { loadingNextpost = true; // Set class loading. var data = { action: 'csco_ajax_load_nextpost', not_in: csco_ajax_nextpost.not_in, current_user: csco_ajax_nextpost.current_user, nonce: csco_ajax_nextpost.nonce, next_post: csco_ajax_nextpost.next_post, }; // Request Url. var csco_ajax_nextpost_url; if ( 'ajax_restapi' === csco_ajax_nextpost.type ) { csco_ajax_nextpost_url = csco_ajax_nextpost.rest_url; } else { csco_ajax_nextpost_url = csco_ajax_nextpost.url; } // Send Request. $.post( csco_ajax_nextpost_url, data, function( res ) { csco_ajax_nextpost.next_post = false; if ( res.success ) { // Get the posts. var data = $( res.data.content ); // Check if there're any posts. if ( data.length ) { // Set the loading state. loadingNextpost = false; // Set not_in. csco_ajax_nextpost.not_in = res.data.not_in; // Set next data. csco_ajax_nextpost.next_post = res.data.next_post; // Remove loader. $( objNextpost ).siblings( '.cs-nextpost-loading' ).remove(); // Append new post. $( objNextpost ).append( data ); // Reinit facebook. if ( $( '#fb-root' ).length && 'object' === typeof FB ) { FB.XFBML.parse(); } $( document.body ).trigger( 'post-load' ); } } else { // console.log(res); } } ).fail( function( xhr, textStatus, e ) { // console.log(xhr.responseText); } ); } /** * Check if Load Nextpost is defined by the wp_localize_script */ if ( typeof csco_ajax_nextpost !== 'undefined' ) { // On Scroll Event. $( window ).scroll( function() { var scrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(); // Init nextpost. if ( csco_ajax_nextpost.next_post ) { if ( objNextpost.length && !loadingNextpost && scrollNextpost.allow ) { scrollNextpost.allow = false; setTimeout( scrollNextpost.reallow, scrollNextpost.delay ); // Calc current offset. let offset = objNextpost.offset().top + objNextpost.innerHeight() - scrollTop; // Load nextpost. if ( 4000 > offset ) { $( objNextpost ).after( '' ); csco_ajax_get_nextpost(); } } } // Reset browser data link. let objFirst = $( objNextsect ).first(); if ( objFirst.length ) { let firstTop = $( objFirst ).offset().top; // If there has been a change. if ( scrollTop < firstTop && window.location.href !== currentNLink ) { document.title = currentNTitle; window.history.pushState( null, currentNTitle, currentNLink ); } } // Set browser data link. $( objNextsect ).each( function( index, elem ) { let elemTop = $( elem ).offset().top; let elemHeight = $( elem ).innerHeight(); if ( scrollTop > elemTop && scrollTop < elemTop + elemHeight ) { // If there has been a change. if ( window.location.href !== $( elem ).data( 'url' ) ) { // New title. document.title = $( elem ).data( 'title' ); // New link. window.history.pushState( null, $( elem ).data( 'title' ), $( elem ).data( 'url' ) ); // Google Analytics. if ( typeof gtag === 'function' && typeof window.gaData === 'object' ) { var trackingId = Object.keys( window.gaData )[ 0 ]; if ( trackingId ) { gtag( 'config', trackingId, { 'page_title': $( elem ).data( 'title' ), 'page_location': $( elem ).data( 'url' ) } ); gtag( 'event', 'page_view', { 'send_to': trackingId } ); } } } } } ); } ); } } )(); /** * Masonry Archive */ function initMasonry() { var masonryArchive = $( '.archive-masonry' ), masonryArchiveOptions = { columns: '.archive-col', items: '.post-masonry, .post-featured, .widget' }; $( masonryArchive ).imagesLoaded( function() { $( masonryArchive ).colcade( masonryArchiveOptions ); } ); /** * Masonry Sidebar */ var masonrySidebar = $( '.sidebar-area' ), masonrySidebarOptions = { columns: '.sidebar', items: ' .widget' }; $( masonrySidebar ).imagesLoaded( function() { $( masonrySidebar ).colcade( masonrySidebarOptions ); } ); } $( document ).ready( function() { initMasonry(); csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'posts-init-masonry', function( props ) { if ( 'canvas/posts' === props.block ) { initMasonry(); } } ); } ); /* * Load Mega Menu Posts */ function cscoLoadMenuPosts( menuItem ) { var dataTerm = menuItem.children( 'a' ).data( 'term' ), dataPosts = menuItem.children( 'a' ).data( 'posts' ), dataNumberposts = menuItem.children( 'a' ).data( 'numberposts' ), menuContainer, postsContainer; // Containers. if ( menuItem.hasClass( 'csco-mega-menu-term' ) ) { menuContainer = menuItem; postsContainer = menuContainer.find( '.cs-mm-posts' ); } if ( menuItem.hasClass( 'csco-mega-menu-posts' ) ) { menuContainer = menuItem; postsContainer = menuContainer.find( '.cs-mm-posts' ); } if ( menuItem.hasClass( 'csco-mega-menu-child-term' ) ) { menuContainer = menuItem.closest( '.sub-menu' ); postsContainer = menuContainer.find( '.cs-mm-posts[data-term="' + dataTerm + '"]' ); } // Check Menu Container. if ( !menuContainer || typeof menuContainer === 'undefined' ) { return false; } // Check Container. if ( !postsContainer || typeof postsContainer === 'undefined' ) { return false; } // Set Active. menuContainer.find( '.menu-item, .cs-mm-posts' ).removeClass( 'active-item' ); menuItem.addClass( 'active-item' ); if ( postsContainer ) { postsContainer.addClass( 'active-item' ); } // Check Loading. if ( menuItem.hasClass( 'cs-mm-loading' ) || menuItem.hasClass( 'loaded' ) ) { return false; } // Create Data. var data = { 'term': dataTerm, 'posts': dataPosts, 'per_page': dataNumberposts }; // Get Results. $.ajax( { url: csco_mega_menu.rest_url, type: 'GET', data: data, global: false, async: true, beforeSend: function() { menuItem.addClass( 'cs-mm-loading' ); postsContainer.addClass( 'cs-mm-loading' ); }, success: function( res ) { if ( res.status && 'success' === res.status ) { // Set the loaded state. menuItem.addClass( 'loaded' ); postsContainer.addClass( 'loaded' ); // Check if there're any posts. if ( res.content && res.content.length ) { $( res.content ).imagesLoaded( function() { // Append Data. postsContainer.html( res.content ); } ); } } }, complete: function() { // Set the loading state. menuItem.removeClass( 'cs-mm-loading' ); postsContainer.removeClass( 'cs-mm-loading' ); } } ); } /* * Get First Tab */ function cscoGetFirstTab( container ) { var firstTab = false; container.find( '.csco-mega-menu-child' ).each( function( index, el ) { if ( $( el ).hasClass( 'csco-mega-menu-child' ) ) { firstTab = $( el ); return false; } } ); return firstTab; } /* * Menu on document ready */ $( document ).ready( function() { /* * Get Menu Posts on Hover */ $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-posts' ).on( 'mouseenter', function() { cscoLoadMenuPosts( $( this ) ); } ); $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-term' ).on( 'mouseenter', function() { cscoLoadMenuPosts( $( this ) ); } ); $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-child' ).on( 'mouseenter', function() { cscoLoadMenuPosts( $( this ) ); } ); /* * Load First Tab on Mega Menu Hover */ $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-terms' ).on( 'mouseenter', function() { var tab = cscoGetFirstTab( $( this ) ); if ( tab ) { cscoLoadMenuPosts( tab ); } } ); } ); /* * Load First Tab on Navbar Ready. */ $( document, '.navbar-nav' ).ready( function() { var tab = false; // Autoload First Tab. $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-terms' ).each( function( index, el ) { tab = cscoGetFirstTab( $( this ) ); if ( tab ) { cscoLoadMenuPosts( tab ); } } ); // Autoload Posts. $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-posts' ).each( function( index, el ) { cscoLoadMenuPosts( $( this ) ); } ); // Autoload Term. $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item.csco-mega-menu-term' ).each( function( index, el ) { cscoLoadMenuPosts( $( this ) ); } ); } ); /** * Responsive Navigation Menu */ $.fn.responsiveNav = function() { this.removeClass( 'menu-item-expanded' ); if ( this.prev().hasClass( 'submenu-visible' ) ) { this.prev().removeClass( 'submenu-visible' ).slideUp( 350 ); this.parent().removeClass( 'menu-item-expanded' ); } else { this.parent().parent().find( '.menu-item .sub-menu' ).removeClass( 'submenu-visible' ).slideUp( 350 ); this.parent().parent().find( '.menu-item-expanded' ).removeClass( 'menu-item-expanded' ); this.prev().toggleClass( 'submenu-visible' ).hide().slideToggle( 350 ); this.parent().toggleClass( 'menu-item-expanded' ); } }; function initNavMenu() { $( '.widget_nav_menu .menu-item-has-children' ).each( function( e ) { if ( $( this ).data( 'init' ) ) { return; } $( this ).data( 'init', true ); // Add a caret. $( this ).append( '' ); // Fire responsiveNav() when clicking a caret. $( '> span', this ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( this ).responsiveNav(); } ); // Fire responsiveNav() when clicking a parent item with # href attribute. if ( '#' === $( '> a', this ).attr( 'href' ) ) { $( '> a', this ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( this ).next().next().responsiveNav(); } ); } } ); } // Make widget nav responsive. $( document ).ready( function() { initNavMenu(); $( 'body' ).on( 'post-load', function() { initNavMenu(); } ); csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'initNavMenu', function( props ) { initNavMenu(); } ); } ); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Navigation */ var cscoNavigation = {}; ( function() { var $this; cscoNavigation = { sScrollAllow: false, sInFirst: true, sInterval: 0, sPrevious: 0, sDirection: 0, loadStickyOffset: 0, loadAdminBar: false, Sticky: $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'navbar-sticky-enabled' ), StickyUp: $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'navbar-smart-enabled' ), StickyNav: $( '.site-header .navbar-primary' ), StickyHeader: $( '.site-header' ), StickyOffsetType: 'auto', StickyOffset: 0, StickyOffsetFull: 0, /* * Initialize */ init: function( e ) { $this = cscoNavigation; // Init events. $this.events( e ); }, /* * Events */ events: function( e ) { // DOM Load window.addEventListener( 'load', function( e ) { $this.stickyInit( e ); $this.smartLevels( e ); $this.adaptTablet( e ); } ); // Resize window.addEventListener( 'resize', function( e ) { $this.stickyInit( e ); $this.smartLevels( e ); $this.adaptTablet( e ); } ); // Scroll window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function( e ) { window.requestAnimationFrame( $this.stickyScroll ); } ); }, /* * Init nav bar sticky */ stickyInit: function( e ) { if ( !$this.Sticky ) { return; } $this.sScrollAllow = false; // Calc sticky offset. if ( $this.StickyOffsetType !== 'size' ) { var calcbar = 0; var wpadminbar = 0; if ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).length > 0 ) { calcbar = $( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight(); wpadminbar = calcbar; if ( 'resize' !== e.type ) { $this.loadAdminBar = wpadminbar; } if ( 'absolute' === $( '#wpadminbar' ).css( 'position' ) ) { wpadminbar = 0; if ( 'resize' !== e.type ) { $this.loadAdminBar = 0; } } } // Calc outside header. $this.StickyOffsetFull = $this.StickyHeader.outerHeight(); // Calc on load offset top. var elOffset = $this.StickyNav.not( '.sticky-nav' ).offset(); if ( elOffset && !$this.StickyNav.hasClass( '.sticky-nav' ) ) { $this.StickyOffset = elOffset.top; $this.loadStickyOffset = elOffset.top; } else { $this.StickyOffset = $this.loadStickyOffset; } // Consider the size of the wpadminbar. if ( 32 === $this.loadAdminBar ) { if ( 46 === calcbar ) { $this.StickyOffset = $this.StickyOffset - wpadminbar + 14; } else { $this.StickyOffset = $this.StickyOffset - wpadminbar; } } else if ( 46 === $this.loadAdminBar || 0 === $this.loadAdminBar ) { if ( 32 === calcbar ) { $this.StickyOffset = $this.StickyOffset - wpadminbar - 14; } else { $this.StickyOffset = $this.StickyOffset - wpadminbar; } } } // Nav Height. var navHeight = $this.StickyNav.outerHeight(); // Set the min-height default of the header. $this.StickyHeader.data( 'min-height', $this.StickyOffsetFull - navHeight ); // Document ready. if ( 'resize' !== e.type ) { // Add nav dummy. $this.StickyNav.after( '' ); $this.StickyHeader.find( '.navbar-dummy' ).height( navHeight ); // Set type slide. if ( $this.StickyUp ) { $this.StickyHeader.addClass( 'sticky-type-slide' ); } } // Allow. $this.sScrollAllow = true; }, /* * Make nav bar sticky */ stickyScroll: function( e ) { if ( !$this.sScrollAllow ) { return; } var scrollCurrent = $( window ).scrollTop(); if ( $this.StickyUp ) { if ( scrollCurrent > $this.StickyOffsetFull ) { $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-nav' ); } if ( scrollCurrent <= $this.StickyOffset ) { $this.StickyNav.removeClass( 'sticky-nav' ); } // Set scroll temporary vars. if ( scrollCurrent > $this.sPrevious ) { $this.sInterval = 0; $this.sDirection = 'down'; $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-down' ).removeClass( 'sticky-up' ); } else { $this.sInterval += $this.sPrevious - scrollCurrent; $this.sDirection = 'up'; $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-up' ).removeClass( 'sticky-down' ); } // Сonditions. if ( $this.sInterval > 150 && 'up' === $this.sDirection ) { $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-nav-slide-visible' ); $( document ).trigger( 'sticky-nav-visible' ); } else { $this.StickyNav.removeClass( 'sticky-nav-slide-visible' ); $( document ).trigger( 'sticky-nav-hide' ); } if ( scrollCurrent > $this.StickyOffsetFull + 150 ) { $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-nav-slide' ); } else { $this.StickyNav.removeClass( 'sticky-nav-slide' ); } // Show onload document. if ( $this.sInFirst && scrollCurrent > $this.StickyOffsetFull + 150 ) { $this.StickyNav.addClass( ' sticky-nav-slide-visible sticky-up' ); $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-nav-slide' ); $( document ).trigger( 'sticky-nav-visible' ); $this.sDirection = 'up'; $this.sInterval = 151; $this.sInFirst = false; } } else { // Сonditions. if ( scrollCurrent > $this.StickyOffset ) { $this.StickyNav.addClass( 'sticky-nav' ); $( document ).trigger( 'sticky-nav-visible' ); } else { $this.StickyNav.removeClass( 'sticky-nav' ); $( document ).trigger( 'sticky-nav-hide' ); } } $this.sPrevious = scrollCurrent; }, /* * Smart multi-Level menu */ smartLevels: function( e ) { var windowWidth = $( window ).width(); // Reset Calc. $( '.navbar-nav li' ).removeClass( 'cs-mm-level' ); $( '.navbar-nav li' ).removeClass( 'cs-mm-position-left cs-mm-position-right' ); $( '.navbar-nav li .sub-menu' ).removeClass( 'cs-mm-position-init' ); // Set Settings. $( '.navbar-nav > li.menu-item' ).not( '.cs-mega-menu' ).each( function( index, parent ) { var position = 'cs-mm-position-right'; var objPrevWidth = 0; $( parent ).find( '.sub-menu' ).each( function( index, el ) { // Reset child levels. $( el ).parent().next( 'li' ).addClass( 'cs-mm-level' ); if ( $( el ).parent().hasClass( 'cs-mm-level' ) ) { $( el ).parent().removeClass( 'cs-mm-level' ); position = 'cs-mm-position-right'; objPrevWidth = 0; } // Find out position items. var offset = $( el ).offset(); var objOffset = offset.left; if ( 'cs-mm-position-right' === position && $( el ).outerWidth() + objOffset > windowWidth ) { position = 'cs-mm-position-left'; } if ( 'cs-mm-position-left' === position && objOffset - ( $( el ).outerWidth() + objPrevWidth ) < 0 ) { position = 'cs-mm-position-right'; } objPrevWidth = $( el ).outerWidth(); $( el ).addClass( 'cs-mm-position-init' ).parent().addClass( position ); } ); } ); }, /* * Adapting nav bar for tablet */ adaptTablet: function( e ) { // Click outside. $( document ).on( 'touchstart', function( e ) { if ( !$( e.target ).closest( '.navbar-nav' ).length ) { $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item-has-children' ).removeClass( 'submenu-visible' ); } else { $( e.target ).parents( '.menu-item' ).siblings().find( '.menu-item' ).removeClass( 'submenu-visible' ); $( e.target ).parents( '.menu-item' ).siblings().closest( '.menu-item' ).removeClass( 'submenu-visible' ); } } ); $( '.navbar-nav .menu-item-has-children' ).each( function( e ) { // Reset class. $( this ).removeClass( 'submenu-visible' ); // Remove expanded. $( this ).find( '> a > .expanded' ).remove(); // Add a caret. if ( 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ) { $( this ).find( '> a' ).append( '' ); } // Check touch device. $( this ).addClass( 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ? 'touch-device' : '' ); $( '> a .expanded', this ).on( 'touchstart', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( this ).closest( '.menu-item-has-children' ).toggleClass( 'submenu-visible' ); } ); if ( '#' === $( '> a', this ).attr( 'href' ) ) { $( '> a', this ).on( 'touchstart', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( !$( e.target ).hasClass( 'expanded' ) ) { $( this ).closest( '.menu-item-has-children' ).toggleClass( 'submenu-visible' ); } } ); } } ); } }; } )(); // Initialize. cscoNavigation.init(); /** * Offcanvas Navigation */ $( '.offcanvas-toggle, .site-overlay' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'offcanvas-active' ); // recalc sticky sidebar by simulating window resize // with a delay equal to the animation speed setTimeout( function() { $( window ).trigger( 'resize' ); }, 401 ); } ); /** * Large Page Header */ var pageHeader = $( '.page-header-large' ), pageHeaderOuter = $( '.overlay-outer', pageHeader ); // Function for calculating Page Header height. function setPageHeaderHeight() { // Redefine variables. pageHeader = $( '.page-header-large' ); pageHeaderOuter = $( '.overlay-outer', pageHeader ); // Define heights. var contentHeight = $( '.overlay-inner', pageHeader ).innerHeight(), offsetHeight = adminBarHeight + headerHeight, availableHeight = windowHeight - offsetHeight, viewPortHeight = '100vh'; // Offset page header. pageHeader.css( 'margin-top', '-' + offsetHeight + 'px' ); pageHeaderOuter.css( 'padding-top', offsetHeight + 'px' ); // Set the page header height. if ( availableHeight >= contentHeight ) { pageHeaderOuter.css( 'height', viewPortHeight ); } else { pageHeaderOuter.css( 'height', contentHeight + offsetHeight + 'px' ); } // Return if overlay position is set to bottom. if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'style-align-left' ) ) { return; } // Add extra padding, if possible. if ( availableHeight - offsetHeight >= contentHeight ) { pageHeaderOuter.css( 'padding-bottom', offsetHeight + 'px' ); } else { pageHeaderOuter.css( 'padding-bottom', 0 ); } } // Set initial height. $( document ).ready( function() { setPageHeaderHeight(); } ); // Recalculate height on resize. $( window ).resize( function() { setPageHeaderHeight(); } ); /** * Parallax */ function initParallax() { $( '.parallax-enabled .parallax:not(.parallax-video)' ).each( function() { $( this ).jarallax( { speed: 0.8, } ); } ); var parallaxVideo = $( '.parallax-video' ), speed = 0.8; if ( !$( 'body' ).hasClass( 'parallax-enabled' ) ) { speed = 1; } $( parallaxVideo ).each( function() { if ( !$( this ).hasClass( 'parallax' ) ) { speed = 1; } $( this ).jarallax( { speed: speed, videoSrc: $( this ).attr( 'data-video' ), videoStartTime: $( this ).data( 'start' ), videoEndTime: $( this ).data( 'end' ), videoPlayOnlyVisible: true, } ); } ); } $( document ).ready( function() { initParallax(); $( 'body' ).on( 'post-load', function() { initParallax(); } ); csco.addAction( 'canvas.components.serverSideRender.onChange', 'initParallax', function( props ) { initParallax(); } ); } ); /** * Object Fit Images */ jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { objectFitImages(); } ); ( function() { var viewport = $( window ).height(); var lastScrollY = 0; var ticking = false; var offset = 200; var update = function() { var article = $( '.single-post .site-main > article' ); if ( 1 === article.length ) { let articleHeight = $( article ).innerHeight(); // Pagination points. let topPoint = $( article ).offset().top; let bottomPoint = topPoint + articleHeight + offset; if ( lastScrollY > topPoint && lastScrollY + viewport < bottomPoint ) { $( '.post-pagination' ).addClass( 'pagination-visible' ); } else { $( '.post-pagination' ).removeClass( 'pagination-visible' ); } } ticking = false; }; var requestTick = function() { if ( !ticking ) { window.requestAnimationFrame( update ); ticking = true; } }; var onProcess = function() { lastScrollY = window.scrollY; requestTick(); }; $( window ).on( 'scroll', onProcess ); $( window ).on( 'resize', onProcess ); $( window ).on( 'slider-refresh', onProcess ); } )(); /** * Responsive Embeds */ ( function() { /** * Add max-width & max-height to