& More Technik & Gadgets SpaceX Starship: Ready for Take Off Claudia Hilmbauer12. April 2023 The SpaceX Starship is reportedly ready for take-off in South Texas; according to Elon Musk, a launch will take place in April.Jetzt lesen
Jetzt lesen & More Technik & Gadgets Aston Martin: A Legend turns 110 Claudia Hilmbauer17. March 2023 The legendary car brand Aston Martin is celebrating its 110th birthday. Throughout the year, they pay tribute to past, present and future.Jetzt lesen
Jetzt lesen & More Technik & Gadgets Tested: Here are our Lucy® Smart Cap Experiences Claudia Hilmbauer30. December 2022 What if you simply don't drink enough? Can a drinking assistant help? We have written down our Lucy Smart Cap experiences for you.Jetzt lesen